is an emerging and still partially undefined area of scientific research, characterized by a strong multidisciplinary focus spanning many different disciplines (human, social, life, and natural sciences).


Game-based Learning

Game for Social Change

Game Impact Assessment

Game Science investigates various phenomena related to the notion of "game", intended both as a model of strategic behavior (i.e., interactive decision-making) and as a system of rules and mechanics for ludic activities (i.e., gaming and play). Game Science encompasses the field of Game Studies as well as Game Theory and related quantitative areas of research.

As a model of strategic behavior, a "game" offers a general and flexible way of describing and explaining phenomena of interactive decision-making, fostering our understanding of their dynamics and helping to predict their outcomes.

On the other hand, a “game”, as a playing activity organized around well defined rules, embodies an important part of socially organized activities and can represent a valid tool for increasing motivation, prevention and healthcare support, scientific data gathering, scientific divulgation, cultural and social change, and even artistic exploration.

What is the mission of the GAME Science Research Center? 

The GAME.SCI RE.CENTER aims at promoting, supporting and spreading the research in the field of Game Science, focusing in particular on 4 goals:


To give relevance and coherence to national and international research activities in the area of Game Science, facilitating connections among involved researchers and promoting the exchange of ideas in a multidisciplinary perspective;

Game science for society

To promote and sustain activities related to the University’s "third mission" (public engagement, citizen science, building knowledge value, divulgation) which involve the use of "game";

Knowledge transfer

To create a bridge with the productive sectors of society that use games as frames, as means of production or as products, with particular attention to entertainment, to the screening of human resources, to educational tools, to strategic thinking and to job satisfaction;


To develop “standard” procedures for the evaluation of systems and rules relevant for game related activities (for public engagement, educational purposes or social change) with the aim of forming an adequate knowledge base which can be used for the definition of dedicated quality certification protocols.



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